Victory number 2 came about 30 minutes ago when I FINALLY finished the afghan. Whew. I kept singing "This is the Song That Never Ends" while working on it because I feel like I've been under this thing forever! It took 5 one pound skeins of 100% cotton yarn to do it and I promise you that I will NEVER EVER work with 100% cotton yarn again. I'm hoping this one won't shed, but the acrylic yarn goes much quicker and isn't nearly so heavy. I promise you this thing weighs more than my dog. :) Also, 2 of my skeins ended up being different shades. I couldn't get a really good picture of this, but what I did was use the darkest skein and made a border all the way around and then 5 rows each on the top and bottom. Makes it look a little more intentional.

So, it's done! Now on to so many more projects. I need to get to working on some more clippies - I bought flowers and have lots of ideas for that. Also, I need to get going on baby shower gifts for several babies due in the spring. Lastly, it's been so cold lately that I want to crochet a cute hat for my daughter, complete with crochet flowers that I just learned how to do this morning. Oh, and the T-Shirt quilt has begun. I have more posts in the que - a couple great recipes and lots of new things. Coming soon!
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